Eating Right & Being Active are the Keys to Prevent Cancer

Do physical activity & eat healthy food
Leading a Healthy Lifestyle can Prevent Cancer
A healthy lifestyle can reduce the occurrence of cancer. Though chances of preventing the disease is still under research, chances of developing the disease depends on our lifestyle choices. Almost one-third of deaths related to cancer are due to improper diet and physical activity. General guidelines to reduce your cancer risk include:
  •         Eating right
  •          Being physically active
  •          Quitting smoking
  •          Maintaining a healthy weight
Eating right includes:
  •  Controlled intake of high-calorie, high-fat and low-nutrient foods. Foods with added sugars and fats can leave little room for nutritious foods and increase your weight too. You need not avoid these foods completely but restrict yourself to small portions of high-calorie foods.
  •  Fill half your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables during every meal. Include beans as these are proposed to reduce the risk of certain cancers.
  •  Avoid alcohol. If not, at least limit alcohol consumption to not more than one drink daily for women and two for men. All types of alcoholic drinks increase your risk of breast, pancreatic and other forms of cancers.
A registered dietitian nutritionist at is the right person to help you reduce the risk or manage cancer by proposing nutrition changes and physical activity suitable for you. 


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