School Kids use Weapons to Protect Themselves Against Bullying

Fights or fear provoke kids to carry weapons
Bullying at School Provokes Kids to Retaliate with Weapons

Studies reveal that bullied teens are twice as likely to carry weapons such as guns or knives to school. Important factors that trigger children to adopt using such weapons include:
  • Fighting at school
  • Threatened or being subjected to injury at school
  •  Missing school fearing safety reasons
Kids don’t resort to carrying weapons unless and until they are doubtful of their physical safety. But, 50% of kids who suspected all of the above threats carried some weapon to school. Teens who skip school concerned over their safety were more than three times likelier to carry a weapon to school compared to other kids. Kids who had fights at school were more than five times likelier to carry a weapon and teens who were threatened or injured were six times more likely to take a weapon to school.

There is not much insight on the usage of these weapons at school. To avoid any harmful consequences, parents should look for signs indicating that their kids are being bullied. Common signs include unexplained injuries, torn clothing, reports of fights at school or hesitation to go to school. Read more on bullying obese/overweight kids at

Curbing such activities in children prevents negative consequences such as drug use and encourages parental and peer support groups to relieve children of their distressing situation.


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