Starvation Leads to Health Loss & Not Fat Loss

Body stops burning fat in starvation mode.
Metabolic Rates Decrease When the Body Goes to Starvation Mode

The first thought that comes to our mind after taking up any weight-loss goal is to eat less. While it is essential to cut down on food portions, too many restrictions or starving literally can do more harm than good. Along with food, there are many other factors that affect weight loss. Most important of these include:

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the basic calorie needs of a person required to support critical functions like breathing and heart rate. An individual’s age, sex, gender, height and weight affects the BMR value. Illustrious health organizations state that a person’s basic metabolic rate is responsible for about 70 percent of the calories he/she burns in a day.

Starvation leads to fat storage
Starvation diet is not total absence of food but decreasing the quantity of intake by more than 50% of the body requirement. The human body adapts to such low-calorie food consumptions by reducing the amount of energy it uses to perform bodily function. Hereon, the body stops burning fat and starts metabolizing lean tissue and muscle mass. This leads to decrease in metabolic rate in order to protect against any more food shortages. So, starvation is not going to give you your desired result-weight loss.

Eat enough calories
To avoid starvation, eat the designated amounts of calories, which is not less than 1,200 calories per day. In general, women are required to consume at least 1,200 calories per day and men should eat at least 1,800 calories per day. Very rarely, certain individuals are put on calorie-restricted diets due to certain health problems. Here, we are talking about normal, healthy individuals whose calorie needs can be adjusted for weight loss depending on their activity level. For such calorie adjustments customized based on your exercise quotient and weight, contact a dietitian/nutritionist at

Fat Loss is Preferred

Muscle tissues burn more calories than fat. Hence, many people prefer fat loss over weight loss. This helps to safeguard your muscles and brings you out of starvation mode due to the muscle mass. Weight training exercises along with foods rich in healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates help in muscle growth.

Before doing the above things, ponder upon your main reason for weight loss. Losing weight to stay fit and be healthy is a great start. But, it is advantageous only when done in a healthy way. Start your weight loss goal with zeal and a positive frame of mind in the right direction.


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