Green Coloration of the Tongue

Germs or bacteria can cause green coloration of the tongue
Food Coloring can Make the Tongue Appear Green in Color

Out tongue changes in color after eating strong color-enriched foods occasionally and it is a normal affair when our tongue turns green in color after eating/drinking foods with green coloring. But if the same tongue appears green in color without any solid reasons such as green-colored food intake it is a sign of some underlying problem.


Common causes of a green tongue include:

Hairy tongue: The tongue’s texture and appearance change due to the build up of keratin cells (proteins that make human hair). This roughness paves way for bacteria and fungi to multiply and this can be a reason for green color of the tongue. Commonly present in elderly people hairy tongue can also cause symptoms such as foul smell while breathing, odd taste on the tongue and prominent changes in taste buds that causes difficulty tasting different foods. Its poor oral hygiene that causes a hairy tongue predominantly while use of tobacco, caffeine, antibiotics and medications can also contribute sometimes.

Geographic tongue: Sometimes irregular patches appear on the tongue as a red spot with white border initially, but these might change shape or color in course of time, disappear and reappear suddenly. Though harmless burning tongue might prevent people from eating acidic or spicy foods as these might cause a burning sensation.

Oral thrush: Germs buildup or poor oral hygiene are main causes of a Candida (a yeast that occurs naturally but in general balanced by other bacteria) infection. Uncontrolled multiplication of the yeast results in oral thrush in the mouth and tongue. The tongue appears white or off-white in color but the same might eventually turn out green in color.

Leukoplakia: Alcohol or tobacco use can cause the presence of a white patch on the tongue which might become green in due course. Though harmless doctors keep checking it often as this condition has the potential to turn out to be cancerous too.

Lichen planus: An immune system disorder, lichen planus can cause rash or discoloration of the tongue. It might be whitish initially but turn green in due course owing to bacterial or fungal growth.

Oral Cancer: An open sore that doesn’t heal is a common symptom of oral cancer and this sore changes in color depending on the oral products used and foods consumed by an individual.

Other common causes include infected tongue piercing that causes discharge, improper dental hygiene, use of antibiotics, food coloring in candy, sweets and oral products and use of supplements/foods containing chlorophyll. Get more information on the debate that exists forever on the use of food colors and their impact on health from the website

The change in color is an ideal symptom for the physician to diagnose and the doctor might also ask for other accompanying symptoms to confirm the illness.

The underlying cause determines the treatment for a green tongue. If bacteria are determined to cause the infection doctors might prescribe antibiotics, in case it’s a fungal infection they might suggest antifungal medications, oral leukoplakia might be treated with retinoids or vitamin A, inflammation is treated with antihistamines while oral cancer treatment includes nutritional changes, chemotherapy and surgery.

Ensure to stay away from a green tongue infection by:
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly
  • Drinking adequate water
  • Avoiding use of mouthwashes that contain harsh chemicals or high alcohol levels
  • Rinsing the mouth with saltwater
  • Practicing tongue scraping that helps to minimize the number of germs that might thrive on the mouth and tongue


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