Teach your Grade-Schooler the Knack to Snack Healthfully

Place produce in places where kids can spot them easily
Brilliant Kitchen Storage Techniques

Follow these simple yet smart know-how’s which are convenient, effortless and tasty for a great snacking experience along with a dose of good health.

1.    Speak with your child about the different food groups and inquire about the foods which attract them from these groups. Buy them immediately!

2.    “Walk” your kids through the kitchen to familiarize them on the storage places of these foods.

3.    Keep colourful and fresh fruits in attractive bowls over the counter where kids can spot them easily.

4.    Clean, cut and store veggies ahead, so that they are easy to eat immediately when kids feel hungry. Kids can even make simple snacks by themselves by having a look at the www.firsteatright.com website.

5.    Make use of see-through containers, clear plastic bags or containers with glassy lids so that kids can peep in to see what’s inside.

6.    Keep healthy snacks on easy-to-reach places such as the lower shelves in your refrigerator, pantry or cabinet. Store away “sometimes” foods such as cookies or chocolates in places out of your child’s reach such as freezers or in cabinets where your child may never look into.
  1. Buy food in single-serve containers for grab-and-go eating ­— for example, milk, raisins, juice, fruit cups, pudding and baby carrots.


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